Origanizational Leadership

July 24, 2017

Innovation is the key to the future. Stagnation can be the death of a company, i.e. that which does not change does not evolve. That which does not evolve dooms itself to extinction.

Besides growing and moving with the market, the company must have as part of its core competencies high ethics, exemplary morality, servant leadership, clear and comprehendible communication, accurate, legal and ethical accounting practices, a customer-centric focus, appreciate for diversity and inclusion – both nationally and internationally – policies and procedures that celebrate achievement, promote competence, reward success and discourages agency conflict.

A company who knows who and what it is – its brand, which is a promise of expectations to the customer – will act in a responsible manner that customers will appreciate and reward with its patronage.

It is a global market and people have more choices today than ever in history. Businesses that don’t put their customers and associates first may see their revenue generators moving to the competition.

Employees are just as important as customers. Every day, millions of walking advertisements leave their places of employment at the end of the day and take their experiences, knowledge and behaviors of the company out into the communities where they live. Individuals are more likely to believe their own experiences over an advertisement and they are more willing to accept the opinion of a trusted family member or friend over a company produced advertisement.

A company must learn to control the conversation when the business is not in the room. Fear is the uncertainty of the unknown. Well-developed strategies and project plans with risk, change and communication management components reduces fear and the likelihood of weak implementations that may lead to failure, agency conflict and diminished returns.


In the end, the company culture will reflect the degree and level to which leadership drives it down through the organization.